16 THE RIVER MAGAZINE | Summer 2017 | H E A L T H | O ften, when we try to address health issues, we firstly look straight at our diet - but the key to optimum health is not always found in the fridge. For example, your circadian rhythm is your body’s internal clock controlling the cascade of hormonal reactions and bodily functions all day. It determines when you wake up, when you start to feel sleepy, how well you sleep and how much energy you have. It affects your fertility, how old you look and the workings of your immune system. Elements of our environment (light, temperature and magnetic flux of the earth) stimulate this rhythm giving you a sense of the time of day and without which you would quickly become disorientated. Our modern lives have put distance between us and these natural triggers, leading to a build up of stress levels over time that in turn lead to premature ageing and ill-health. But there are some simple things you can do to fix your circadian rhythm. Firstly, if you’re finding yourself struggling with energy levels during the day, when you wake up get outside and face the sun. Don’t stay behind glass, but get into the air - give yourself a blast of direct sunlight to reset your circadian rhythm and optimise your metabolic reactions for the day. Secondly, try camping for a short time. The artificial light we live by in the evenings suppresses the release of melatonin, the hormone that makes us sleepy, so a few nights outdoors will start to put that right. Another benefit of camping is sleeping on or close to the earth and plugging in to the planet’s natural magnetic charge, which has been shown to improve sleep and aid recovery. Step away from the fridge, turn off that phone and step into the sun and the moonlight; these may well be the best ways you can begin moving towards that improved self. To see my next event on how to hack your environment in order to become superhuman visit www.eventbrite.co.uk/myevent?eid=27144418687 naturally Good health, Chris Thomson, ex-Kickboxing World Champion, Mentor at Body Core & Mentor for the Body Transformation Academy Free online video programs at www.eqtransformations.co.uk/summer-program Getting outdoors and into nature is not just good for the soul but can be the answer to many modern/urban health issues too by christian thomson CHRISTIAN THOMSON EQUILIBRIUM PT t: 07946 319906 e: christian@equilibriumpt.co.uk w: www.equilibriumpt.co.uk f: eqtransformations t: #eqptequilibrium