The Tabard in Chiswick is an independent 96 seater theatre I first saw Force of Trump on a hot day last summer in Canary Wharf. At the time the Brexit debate was in full swing and the small audience yelped, laughed and purred with every gag and innuendo. With so much political tension in the air it was a great relief for everyone to be laughing at politics. I don’t think many of us thought ‘The Donald’would ever actually really win. Who’s laughing now? Well ahead of so many satirists the young writer, Sami Ibrahim (24), had got a handle on the absurd and divisive nature of Trump. The lines he’d put into the President’s mouth were a precursor for the Alec Baldwin take on him that has become so huge on Saturday Night Live, only Sami’s script has a Chris Born throws himself hook, line and haircut into being The Donald