When a child falls behind at school, is struggling to keep up with their peers or join in and share projects with their fellow students, often the first casualty is their confidence.
If your child is a slow reader or has problems with spelling, or even stumbles with pronunciation, they may be dyslexic and find it difficult to keep up in a mainstream education environment. Similarly dyspraxic children often struggle with physical co-ordination, at times show an awkward or unusual posture which can set them apart in big schools that are unable to tailor an educational pathway that suits individual children.
The Dominie in Battersea is an independent day school specialising in education for dyslexic and dyspraxic children aged between 6 and 12 years old. With a maximum of just thirty-two students, The Dominie has fabulous facilities in what is almost a ‘village-school’ setting and a dedicated teaching team who have the time and specialist skills to work closely with each child. Prospective pupils are invited to spend up to three days at The Dominie, when various assessments are carried out in order to know the child’s specific needs.
The first objective at the school is to restore every child’s confidence and help them re-discover their natural enthusiasm for learning. On that foundation, children are taken through a broad and balanced curriculum, mixed with a wide range of after-school clubs and educational visits.
The majority of Dominie students go on to return to mainstream education and the school was delighted to learn recently that two of their past students have gained 1st Class Honours degrees in Computer Sciences.
If you would like to know more, contact the school to arrange a personal visit and a meeting with the leadership team.
55 Warriner Gardens
SW11 4DX
t: 020 7720 8783
e: info@thedominie.co.uk
w: thedominie.co.uk