Summer 2017

Dear Readers

Here’s to the people of Borough!

The character of Londoner’s has often been marvelled at especially in difficult times. During The Blitz of the Second World War London took a battering – photos from the time show devastated streets and yet more often than not someone is in the picture with a broad smile as they walk over heaps of rubble. We were not to be beaten then and nothing has changed.

Even the recent chaos brought to the streets around Borough Market revealed how that courage is shared by Romanian bakers, Spanish bankers, Canadian homeless shelter workers, French chefs and Australian nurses who showed their mettle in the face of devastation.

In these strange days, the people of London still come out to enjoy the capital’s culture. From the fabulous exotic food in our markets, the art of Grayson Perry to the sounds of the blues and Amy Winehouse, we continue to be inspired by the beautiful things we make and share together.


Angela Webb

Angela Webb 2016

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  • Leadbelly's Legacy It just keeps getting better and better for the people of Canada Water
  • Lunch 'To Go' The final of four part piece on lunching in the capital
  • Skin Deep Your skin is the largest organ in the body so it deserves the best care you can provide and with summer in full swing its time to make sure you are prepared
  • Good health, naturally Getting outdoors and into nature is not just good for the soul but can be the answer to many modern/urban health issues too
  • A day of heroes: Shining rays of light, the heroes of Westminster
  • Out Loud Free Music for Free People:
  • CD Review: Mersey Morning by Andy Norris
  • The Great Get Together 18 June: The Great Get Together
  • Celebrating 80 The Grandmaster of British Glass celebrates 80 years with a landmark group exhibition
  • Amy Winehouse North London's very own shooting star
  • Arts Seen Soul of a Nation, Reflections: Van Eyck & Bankside’s Past in the Present
  • Grayson Perry: The Most Popular Art Exhibition Ever!
  • Entertainments Theatre Theatre Listings for Summer 2017
  • Entertainments Exhibitions Exhibitions Listings for Summer 2017
  • Harris Academy South Norwood school knows no boundaries

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